Raccoons are one of the most destructive types of pests that can invade your home. They have sharp teeth and claws which enables them to get into just about anywhere. At best they might make a mess of your garbage as they scavenge for food, but at worst they can easily rip through the roof of your home and set up a nest in your attic.
Having raccoons can be a massive problem. Aside from causing damage, they also carry diseases such as rabies, raccoon roundworm, and salmonella. They defecate and urinate pretty much anywhere, making the spread of disease that much more likely. Children and elderly are especially susceptible to the diseases caused by raccoons in your home. Raccoons will generally avoid confrontation with humans but have been known to attack.

Our full raccoon removal and re-entry prevention program is our most effective treatment. This full treatment gives you the peace of mind to know that not only is your raccoon gone, but also that it will not come back.
Pest Kings Wildlife and Pest Control will complete and record a full inspection of your home. Together, we will review the video and explain to you where your raccoons are entering your home and any potential re-entry points. Based on the amount of re-entry points we see, we will then provide you with a quote for you to review. This quote will cover your initial raccoon removal and re-enforcement of any areas we see that could be problems in the future.
Once the proposal is accepted, we will begin installing wildlife proof hardware to protect your home against all future infestations.
Baby raccoons are completely immobile for the first 8 weeks of life. For this reason, trapping baby raccoons is not an option. This means that all raccoon baby removals are completed by hand. Pest Kings Wildlife & Pet Control will start your raccoon removal service during the birthing season with a complete search of the nest site to ensure all babies are found.
We highly discourage anyone other than a certified pest control specialist from removing baby raccoons from an attic, as you can end up face to face with an extremely angry and dangerous mother. Here are some reasons why it's important to call a raccoon removal specialist:
- In many situations, homeowners will block off the raccoon’s entry point after seeing the mother leave for food. When she returns to find that she can no longer get into the attic the mother raccoon can cause a tremendous amounts of damage. In her attempts to reunite herself with her babies she will rip up shingles and other parts of the roof in a desperate attempt to find her babies. Do not underestimate a mother raccoon.
- Another common mistake is to trap and relocate a mother raccoon only to find out that she has a litter of babies in the attic. Without their mother the babies will surely die an inhumane death. Once deceased in your attic, they will begin to decompose resulting in a rancid ordor, flies and even more damage to your property.
Once our technicians have located and removed the raccoon babies from the attic they are placed in a weather-proof reunion box and positioned near the entry area. We will then use a one way door to ensure that when the mother raccoon goes searching for her babies, they cannot get back in.
The majority of the time, a raccoon in an attic is a female who has made den in your home. The presence of young raccoons complicates the raccoon removal service. For this reason it's imperative to ensure that your home is free of babies before any trapping can be completed. Once our raccoon removal specialist have confirmed there are no babies in your building, raccoon trapping can become the ideal option to deal with your raccoon infestation.
To trap your raccoon, we will set the trap on a flat and stable surface near the area you are having raccoon problems in. We ensure that the trap isn't near anything that can be destroyed by the trapped raccoon, because once caught it will tear up anything within reaching distance to get out. The trap will then be left on your property.
Installation of a one way door system will ensure that once the raccoon leaves your house at night, it will be unable to reenter your home.
Once caught, our clients are expected to contact Pest Kings Wildlife & Pest Control. We will then come back to your home to carefully remove and relocate the trapped raccoon. Before our technicians arrive, it's very important to not stick your fingers inside the trap, or even hold it close to your body. You will get attacked.
There are many intangibles and risks that make do-it-yourself trapping a bad idea for any homeowner. Your best bet is to call the licensed professionals at Pest Kings.
Pest Kings Wildlife & Pest Control's wildlife removal strategy is 100% humane, safe and reliable. Depending on the size, length and severity of your infestation, you may require cleaning of contaminated materials and restoration of destroyed property. Contaminated insulation and drywall can cause serious health risks. It's important to have these materials fully removed professionally because the raccoon waste is commonly infested with a type of roundworm that can cause serious illness if accidentally ingested. Once your contamination is cleared, we also offer restoration services. Pest Kings has years of expertise in renovations, restorations and carpentry.
Pest Kings Wildlife & Pest Control's process involves full raccoon removal and securing your home against future raccoon intrusions. Keeping in mind their dexterous paws, your Wildlife Technician will prevent re-entry into your home by identifying and sealing all potential openings using wildlife proof metal screening.
With over 10 years of experience, Pest Kings has the skill and know-how needed to keep even the most determined raccoon out of your attic or chimney.