647-988-5034      |         pestkingswildlife@gmail.com


There are many types of tick living in Canada. Many of these ticks transmit diseases, while others are just an annoyance. Only the black legged tick transmits the bacterium that causes Lyme disease. Historically, Canada's harsh climate has made our region unsuitable for ticks. However, in recent years, as Southern Canada continues to get warmer and warmer, its becoming a much more hospitable home for ticks dropped by bird during migration. Because of the climate change, Ontario's tick population is growing rapidly. The number of  Lyme diseases cases reported in Canada has risen from 144 cases in 2009 to 2,025 cases in 2017.

The growing concern over Lyme disease carried by black legged ticks has made outdoor adventures less appealing to many residents in Ontario. Sending your pets and children outside to play now causes great worry that they will come into contact with ticks, be bitten, and fall victim to sickness. The most effective way to prevent the ride in Lyme disease cases is to avoid getting bitten by ticks in the first place.  Ticks are exceptionally difficult to control as they live in areas with dense vegetation such as forests, fields, and backyards with lots of bushes. Tick infestations generally go unnoticed until home owners find them on their pets or person. Because ticks can hitch rides into your home on your pets and residents, they are are difficult to manage.

Tips for avoiding ticks off of your property: When hiking this summer in forests or brushy areas, always stay on the path. This will minimize your risk of brushing up against ticks. We also encourage you wearing light coloured long pants and sleeves. This will help you see any ticks that you may have picked up on your excision.

Your families safety is our biggest priority. Let us help protect your family from diseases carried by ticks.


Mosquito season in Southern Ontario starts in the spring when the weather gets warmer and runs through fall.

No one enjoys the itchy bites or the constant swatting of mosquitoes. Due to the spread of mosquito-borne diseases like West Nile Virus, Chikungunya, and Dengue Fever, the concern over mosquitoes continues to rise annually.

Take back your yard by calling the mosquito treatment experts at Pest Kings Wildlife & Pest Control and ask about our mosquito removal and prevention service.



Pest Kings Wildlife & Pest Control will begin your tick control treatment by completing a full tick inspection of your property. This inspection will include current tick infested areas of your yard and check for potentially welcoming areas that may be attractive to ticks, such as trees, tall grass or areas with high moisture. 

Pest Kings offers a 100% organic, eco-friendly, summer-long tick control program that creates a barrier between your yard and ticks. We will perform the treatment focusing on areas where ticks are commonly found when not feeding including overgrown grassy areas, trees and low vegetation. 



Mosquitoes don't particularly enjoy the summer heat in Southern Ontario. For this reason, they love to spend their days in cool, damp places. Their favourite places to stay cool during the day include mulch, low lying vegetation, low limbs on trees and other shady places. Their primary feeding times are dusk and dawn.

Your Pest King technician will apply a pesticide to create a barrier, coating vegetation surrounding your home, and other likely hiding places. This pesticide will kill the adults when they land on those places. The barrier can last up to 6 months, but we do recommend regular re-applications. 

Once this barrier is applied, we wait for it to dry before we apply a second 100% organic barrier that repels mosquito that do not die in the first step of treatment. 


Pest Kings Wildlife & Pest Control's process involves a full mosquito and tick treatment, creating a barrier between your property and infestations. With over 10 years of experience, Pest Kings has the skill and know-how needed to keep your summer mosquito and tick population under control.